I have fond memories of receiving mail throughout my childhood. I cannot forget how excited I was to find a card or letter in the mailbox addressed to me. There was mystery in that envelope. What would I find when I opened it. I did not know what I would find when I opened it, but I knew that I was special. Someone thought enough of me to write a letter, send me a note... When I moved to college and later when I moved to Japan, I looked forward to mail delivery even more. It was my connection to friend and family.
It saddens me that children these days do not know that connected feeling that comes from getting mail, now known as "Snail Mail." Such a derogatory name for such a wonderful thing. Don't get me wrong, I use email as much as the next guy. It serves a purpose; quick answers, delivered anytime, anywhere, and saves on paper...But I find myself disappointed when I open the mailbox day after day, only to find the usual bills, advertisements, and catalogs. It just isn't the same.
Letters I need to answer. |
Over the past few months I have been thinking about this topic more and more. I came to the conclusion that I needed to get out my stationary, pens, and stamps, and begin writing letters more often. (If you are like me, you love paper, stationary and cards... but don't use it often.) I also started poking around in the Internet about writing... That part started when I wanted to get a fountain pen, and tried researching them. "Writing" sent me to many sites about letter writing and correspondence. It is really remarkable how many people/bloggers there are out there who are all trying to keep the art of letter writing alive.
So I have started my own "crusade" to write letters at least once a week. I have done pretty good so far. One letter I sent was to my best friend, whom I am in email contact with daily. When she received the note, she immediately sent me a text to say thank you. It brightened both our days. I encourage you to make a mailbox smile by thinking of someone, even a neighbor or coworker that could benefit from a personal note.
Leave a comment telling us how you have made a mailbox smile lately.