It is January 1, 2011. A day of relaxation in our household. We have had the Christmas decorating and celebrations. Then we had the New Year's revelry last night. In our case this includes a day of car crashes and hillarity. No not our real cars...My hubby loves toys, so he has collectd an aray of slot cars, and trains to play with. So with friends and family we set up a large 8 lane track. The races are hillarious. But it is no fun until there are spectacular crashes and parts flying... This morning we woke up to our other holiday tradition, Rose Parade, cozy fire, and cinnomon rolls. Every year we start a fire, put the cinnomon rolls on and watch the Rose Parade. Usually we have to watch some of the rebroadcast because we fall asleep on the couch but that is part of the tradition too.

Now it is time to reflect and regroup. I spent 2 days this week cleaning and reorganizing my paper crafting and sewing areas, materials, and unfinished projects. So now I am ready to tackle those resolutions or goals for 2011.
I have decided to divide my "public" goals into two categories, crafting and other.
For Crafting Goals:
1. I will make a minimum of one Blog post a week, consistancy counts.
2. I will enter the Cricut Circle Weekly Blog Challenges, at least once a month.
3. I will enter the Cricut Circle Monthly Blog or Cricut Circle Magazine Challenges 6 times within 2011
4. I will complete the 3 albums I have in the works at the moment.
5. I will complete at least 4 quilt tops and one of my art quilts this year.
Because of these,
6. I will find time weekly to do something craft related, and will get together at least 10 times this year with friends for a crop day!
On the Cricut Circle Message Boards, I have set these goals for the
month of January, for the
Use What You Have (don't buy anything) challenge:
- Order about 2000 prints before the 3rd
- - I have not printed photos for 2 years minus my daughter's wedding in April
- - I am NOT spending money. I have a bunch of prepaid prints that all expire on the 3rd
- Make at least 15 of 30 needed Valentine Cards for my students
- Use 2 previously unused carts for cards or layouts
- - Hello Kitty, Greetings
- - Beyond Birthdays
- Make at least one blog post a week- showing off my work...
- Enter one of the weekly blog challenges - using something from above
Other Goals:
1. Begin FLYing around my house again! Yep, you have read this right. A few years ago a friend introduced me to the FlyLady and here Shiny Sink concept. I really don't like house work as it seems to get piled into one day a week or two...The FlyLady has a great way of breaking down the chore of house cleaning into manageble daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. You can learn more at . Will you be FLYing this year?
2. The second big household issue is stated in a question heard almost everywhere, "What's for Dinner?" I plan to subscribe to Leanne Ely's "Saving Dinner" Menus. Leanne is a nutritionalist that creates great recipes for a weeks worth of dinners. You can subscribe to menues for a variety of sized families from 2, to 4, to large family. She also makes menues for those who are trying to lose weight... You can find her at