Saturday, January 13, 2024

Throwback Thursday - Cherrywood Challenges

Since I have a large gap in posts, I thought I would start Throwback Thursday posts for a while to catch up on things I have been creating the past few years.

For the past eight years I have admired the Cherrywood Hand-dyed Fabric and the Challenges they hold. I bought the packs of fabric each year and thought long and hard about what I would sew...but never got an entry completed. Not until after I retired. In 2022 I completed my first CW Challenge - Graffiti. My entry was accepted as a finalist. 

I am Frog
Graffiti- leaving a piece of yourself in a public place. My nickname in high school was frog, so it seemed only fitting to leave a frog as my signature on the wall. I fashioned my artwork after street artist Arlin Graff, with his beautiful animal illustrations paired with splashes of color. This red-eyed tree fog was created with raw-edge applique, thread painting, and quilting. Tsukineko inks darken the blue fabric to fashion the artist's retreating pant leg. 

My entry displayed at Road 2 California Quilt Show, Jan. 2023

2023's theme was Monarch. 

Andy's Wing
This theme conjured memories of the Pismo Monarch Grove, and the butterfly garden planted in memory of my colleague Andrew, an amazing teacher. Thus, the cluster of butterflies on my quilt. Considering the reason for Monarch theme I chose to acknowledge its addition to the Endangered Species List by representing several other California endangered wildlife in the bold colors and interesting lines of the Northwestern Native motifs. Perching on Milkweed blooms the main butterfly features the Sierra Nevada Red Fox, Bald Eagle, Mountain Lion, & Sea Otter. Lift the lower left wing to find a California Red-Legged Frog. Techniques include piecing, raw edge applique, couching, trapunto, beading, fabric paint, and heat manipulation.

Viewing my entry at Road to CA show.
A red-legged frog.

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