Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What a Day!!!

It has been raining nonstop since Thursday of last week here in So Cal. As of yesterday we have had more than 4 1/2 inches of rain in the past 5 days. For a "semi-aerid" region, we sure are wet right now. Most people would choose to stay home in a nice dry, warm house in this type of weather. But I chose instead to get up early and break in my new Disneyland Annual Pass. This is my present each year from my hubby, and my new card arrived just days ago. So, I had to make sure it works!

Actually, my real reason for heading to the Happiest Place was to try to get one of the illusive tickets for a handmade candy cane. You might be laughing at this thinking, "It is "just a candy cane." Yes this is true. But it is a HANDMADE Disney Tradition that very few people get to experience each year. The canes are the length of your hand and forearm; and They only make 3 batches a day, on 4 specific days during the holiday season. You have to get into line as soon as the park opens. For me this meant at the entrance at 7:30 am, in the rain. Into the park at 8 am straight up. The line for tickets was, by the time I walked through the entrance and headed down Main Street, in front of the Clock Shop and starting down the front of the Emporium. Unfortunately, this meant I did not get one of the tickets. Darn! One Cast Member was handing out a write up about the candy making process.

Here are some of the statistics they gave:
  • Takes 1/2 hour to cook a batch and about an hour to pull each batch
  • Each batch makes about 40 Candy Canes
  • Only 3 batches are made during the day
  • A team of three Candy Makers are needed to make a batch of Candy Canes (1 rolls the candy, 1 pulls the 15 pound block of candy, and 1 shapes the canes.
Here are few shots I took while watching the process this morning.

After watching them make the candy for a few minutes. I decided that I needed a blueberry muffin and a coffee to console myself. And SOME WARM CLOTHES! So, I headed to the Bakery on Main Street. I found my usual breakfast, and these cute treats too.

Since I have a pass and don't have to feel guilty for not staying ALL day (I can come back anytime I want.) I decided home was a better place to be.

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