Sunday, April 3, 2011

Quilts, Projects, and a Give Away

With my Sendai slides all scanned, and my Japan life memorabilia sorted and organized, I am back on track with other projects I left behind. A week or so ago, I went through the quilts I have collected in my quilt boxes made by Kerry of  Kerry's Kollectibles (love these boxes -- I am sure I need more!). I found 5 I had made that I did not have a specific reason to make. They have been waiting for good homes. Here they are laid out on my bed (polka dots in the background are my pillow cases)

I packed them in the car and took them to Calico House, a local quilting shop where quilts were being collected to be sent to Japan. I hear they have collected over 200 quilts so far. I love it! Wish I could take a few weeks off of work and quilt a bunch of my unfinished projects quickly to add to these numbers.

My quilts at Calico House, being counted...
Today, I spent the afternoon in my sunny sewing room, finishing a quilted bag I started a few weeks ago. It measures 10 x 12, with a 4.5" wide base. I finished it off with a cardboard base and fabric sleeve for the base.

I had a little bit of the lining fabric left, and am in need of a new checkbook I thought I would give it a try. I think my first attempt came out pretty good without much of a pattern. I even added an elastic/button closure.

I have a few things to perfect on the checkbook like making a slightly stiffer writing area, and cleaner corners. But I think the pattern as a whole is very workable.

What do you think? Every time I make a new bag or something else stitched, I get asked by colleagues how much I would charge to make them one. I have no idea what to charge someone..

So I am asking you, my readers/followers, what would you be willing to pay for the bag or the checkbook cover?

Take a minute to comment, Tell be your suggested price for the bag and or checkbook,  and you might be the winner of your very own quilted checkbook cover, made to order (you get to pick the colors).

I will be drawing a name at random next Saturday, April 9th.

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